Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ah Ha moment

Tonight's class offered me two gems that I can apply immediately.

I have a 14 year old daughter. She is a freshman in high school and is a good student. However, just last night she was struggling with her Civics textbook. She has a chapter test coming up and everything in the textbook is important. She has been struggling with comprehension and organization of the content. The activity we worked through in class helped me identify a few key suggestions that will help her diminish her struggles. I only wish I had considered it all earlier.

I am also taking a course in curriculum & instruction this semester. One of the assignments I have been working on is to mock up a plan for a first week of teaching. This plan is to include introductions, policies, course overview, rules and procedures as well as an activity and a solid end point.  Tonight's class offered me key insights as to how I can help students understand the features of the textbook. I can add this lesson to the assignment for tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Vacca Vacca & Mraz Chapter 1

Tough read.. As we discussed in our first class, EVERYTHING was important. I found it difficult to discern and became frustrated. I did grasp importance in the points made regarding content vs. process.
Teaching to the standards are a necessary evil to create the outcome needed for success. However, the process needs to be left up to the individual teacher. All students can learn. Teachers need to identify how they learn and focus on the areas to help them on a individual basis.

Title ex.

Cold calling is often thought of as a way to get students attention. To randomly select students in a classroom and ask them questions "COLD". It is a great tool to keep students on their toes and on task. OR, it is an evil choice that creates fear  in a classroom as some students are not as prepared as they could be and are easily intimidated by being put on the spot.

Cold calling to me is just that....I live the cold weather and I hear it calling. I have precious little patience for sitting around reading or watching TV when there are paths to blaze and fresh air to breathe.